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Suez Weekly Market Monitor

Derek Mumford
October 4, 2007

ERCOT power prices began the week on a steady path and decreased at midweek. The week ended with prices reverting to increased marks.

ERCOT Prompt month deliveries closed at $51.39/MWh, decreasing $0.20/MWh or 0.38%.

ERCOT '09 finished the week at $72.21/MWh down, 0.18%.

ERCOT '10 closed the week at $70.60/MWh, down 0.09%.

The prompt month for the Houston Zone finished at $52.64/ MWh a decrease of 0.37% and the prompt month North Zone finished at $52.17/MWh down 0.38%.

Northeast power prices started the week on a steady path and decreased at midweek. It continued on the same path as the week came to an end.

Prompt month prices for the Northeast decreased by 17% to 23% compared to 3 months ago for the same trading month.

NYISO Zone J prompt month closed the week at $83.05/ MWh decreasing $0.15/MWh, a loss of 0.18% from last week.

NYISO Zone A prompt month finished at $58.30/MWh, a loss of $0.80/MWh or 1.37%.

Massachusetts NEMA prompt month closed at $69.66/ MWh, an increase of 0.22% or $0.15/MWh.

Massachusetts SEMA prompt month finished the week at $69.50/MWh, increasing 0.22% or $0.15/MWh.

$61.90/MWh, decreasing 2.67% or $1.65/MWh.

PJM Power
PJM power prices started the week at a constant rate and decreased slightly at mid-week. The week closed with prices staying on a descending path.

Cinergy prompt month finished the week at $48.05/MWh, a change of 0.83%, decreasing $0.40/MWh.

NI Hub prompt month finished the week with a loss of $0.85/MWh closing at $47.00/MWh, a change of 1.81%.

PJM West Hub prompt month gained $0.15/MWh closing at $55.75/MWh, a change of 0.27%.

PSEG prices for the prompt month closed at $55.75/ MWh, a change of 0.27%, down $0.15/MWh.

Compared to 3 months ago, PJM prices are 17% to 19% lower for the same trading period.

Natural Gas Market

Natural gas prices decreased sharply as the week began. This declining path continued throughout the week.

NYMEX prices for the prompt month finished the week at $6.87/MMBtu, an decrease of 1.75% or $0.12/MMBtu.

Nov. 07 prices are approximately 20% lower than 3 months ago.

NYMEX Cal. '08 closed at $7.95/MMBtu, a change of 0.49%, down $0.04/MMBtu.

NYMEX Cal '09 finished the week at $8.27/MMBtu; NYMEX Cal '10 closed at $8.09/MMBtu.

Algonquin, Transco Z6, and Tetco M3 prompt month closed at $0.90/MMBtu, $1.48/MMBtu, and $0.95/MMbtu respectively.

Natural Gas Storage: Gas in Storage Increased 74 Bcf
Working gas in storage was 3,206 Bcf as of Friday, September 21, 2007, according to EIA estimates.

This represents a net increase of 74 Bcf from the previous week.

Stocks were 37 Bcf less than last year at this time and 238 Bcf above the 5-year average of 2,968 Bcf.

In the East Region, stocks were 101 Bcf above the 5-year average following net injections of 44 Bcf.

Stocks in the Producing Region were 110 Bcf above the 5-year average of 841 Bcf after a net injection of 20 Bcf.

Stocks in the West Region were 27 Bcf above the 5-year average after a net addition of 10 Bcf.

At 3,206 Bcf, total working gas is within the 5-year historical range. (Sources: EIA)


Derek Mumford
Energy Analyst
Suez Energy Resources
October 4, 2007

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